Korean American Historical Society presents Dr. Seung-Hee Jeon"War Memories and Memory War:Wanso Pak’s Half-century Quest for Truth of the Korean War" Thursday, May 7, 2009 5:30 pm Free to the PublicWing Luke Asian Museum719 South King Street, Seattle, WA 98104 Museum Hours:Tue. - Sun., 10am - 5pm (regular admission); 1st Thur. / 3rd Sat. 10am - 8pm (free admission) Since the cease-fire in 1953, authorities in Korea have been continuously imposing a specific kind of memory of the Korean War – on [...]
Korean American Historical Society presents The Centennial of Korean Immigration to America An exhibit of seventy-six select photosfrom collections in Hawai'i and the Pacific Northwest. May 27 - June 20, 2003 Alvord Board RoomSeattle Asian Art Museum in Volunteer Park1400 E. Prospect St., Seattle WA 98112 Museum Hours:Wed. - Sun., 10am - 5pm; Thurs. 10am - 9pm Suggested admission $3 for adults Koreans in the U.S. Encounters between Koreans and Americans began as early as 1866 when an American sh [...]
On March 1, 2002, over 200 students, faculty and community members gathered in the University of Washington's Red Square to demonstrate their support for expediting the search for a new Korean History instructor. Graduate and undergraduate students gathered, and were joined by community organizations including the Seattle-Washington State Korean Association, Korean American Professionals Society, Korean Community Counseling Center, and Korean American Historical Society. Speakers included Anne O [...]
As part of their symposia series on Korean American Heritage and Cultural Identity, Northwest Folklife Festival proudly presents: Elaine Kim,Professor of Asian American Studies, UC Berkeley In the Aftermath: Surviving the War in Korean American Literature and Visual Art Thursday, February 22, 20017 PMShoreline Community Center(18560 First Ave. N.E., Shoreline, Washington)Free to the public Dr. Kim is Professor of Asian American Studies and Chair of the Comparative Ethnic Studies Department at th [...]
At the age of twelve, Easurk Emsen Charr emigrated to the United States in 1904, where he worked in the plantation fields of Hawai‘i. Despite his service in the US Army during World War I, he was denied citizenship. His wife, Evelyn Kim--an exchange student who emigrated in 1926--, was threatened with deportation several times. Thus began their more than 30-year struggle for naturalization. A resident of Portland, Mr. Charr later worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and in 1961 published an [...]
On May 25, 1999, the Association of King County Historical Organizations (AKCHO) presented Deputy Director and Assistant Editor Matthew Benuska with the Willard Jue Memorial Award for his outstanding service to Korean American Historical Society. The award, in honor of the late community leader and Wing Luke Asian Museum boardmember Willard Jue, is presented to individuals in two possible categories (paid staff and volunteer) who have made outstanding contributions, provided exceptional leadersh [...]
To all our friends and supporters: I would like to hank you all very much for your continued support of Korean American Historical Society. Our January 26, 1999 fundraiser with KW Lee and Daisy Chun Rhodes was a big success; we had a full house with about 80 guests (30-40 of whom were students), all of whom were captivated by Daisy's moving reading of selections from her book, Passages to Paradise, and by KW Lee's insights into the Korean American community and the "Korean disease." We will be p [...]